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Most people won't tell you this but...


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As a man, you are born with NOTHING.

No status, no money, no gainz, no value.

A woman, on the other hand, is objectively beautiful. (And we’re not talking about them as a person right now, cause women can also increase their value through other ways.)

But all that aside, they are beautiful as something to look at and that gives them value.

That’s why a woman can be a sugar baby or have an only fans or go on free dates or have beta male orbiters who give her free money or collect alimony so she doesn’t have to work. Because they have that value already.

For as long as Beta males exist in this world, a woman’s beauty will always be valuable and I can tell you right now, Beta males aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

But a man will never have value that they are just born with. It doesn’t work like that. You have to create that yourself.

You are either exceptional or you’re a loser.

As a man, this boils down to 2 very simple things. Money and Looks.

And I’m not talking about the looks you're born with because none of us can change that.

I’m talking your physique, style, and grooming that you create for yourself the same way you can create wealth for yourself.

These are controllable things in a man’s life and they are proof of competence.

The Good Men Have Money or a Good Physique. The Best Men Have Both.

So let me ask you this, when you imagine a “Winner” as a man, is he rich or poor?

Is he fat or does he have a 6 pack?

These aren’t even questions that you have to give a lot of thought because you KNOW the answer!

And if you’re dealing with any sort of sadness, frustration, or depression then it just means you know you’re wasting your potential.

I can assure you that when you’re actually pushing yourself to achieve great things in your life, you feel happy inside.

And when you actually do achieve a goal that you set for yourself, you get a huge burst of happiness that can hardly be explained!

When you get a giant deposit in your bank account or you hit a PR in the gym or you lose the amount of weight you wanted to lose, you get a RUSH that makes you want to do it again and again and again.

You become addicted to success because of the happiness you get from striving for it and the rush you get from hitting your goals.

Even if you don’t have anything to show for it yet. You just become happier because you’re actually putting in the work day in and day out.

You get a sense of pride knowing that you're giving it your all and you know that some day, you WILL see that success.

But you are nothing in the eyes of the world until you upgrade yourself as a man. You are not respected as a man until you have something to be respected for.

Do you understand this?

This is why I tell all my guys that they need to be on their purpose and the top of the priority list for all men should be to get their physiques right because it’s the thing that’s going to give you the most success in every other area of your life!
  • You want to make more money? Get in shape so you have the energy to make it happen.
  • ​You want to be happier? Get in shape so you get a self esteem boost from seeing a better looking physique in the mirror every day.
  • ​You want choosing signals? Get in shape so women have something nice to look at.
  • ​You want to make sure you’re actually getting it up? Get in shape so you have more testosterone pumping in your veins!

This is The Key Fellas But it All Starts With YOU!

And for me, when I was first getting started working out, I didn’t have a job that paid me a lot of money which meant I didn’t have access to a gym so you know what I did?

I didn’t whine and complain and wait while my body ruined itself! I worked out from home!

And it turns out this is the best thing I could’ve done for myself because home workouts are perfect for beginners.
  • You get to condition your body to be able to be used to being put through muscle building workouts
  • You’re able to save a ton of money on commuting back and forth from the gym
  • You’re able to workout out those stabilizer muscles that you don’t really hit with weights
  • You build a nice shredded physique that you’re able to take with you once you start using weights
  • ​You don’t have to deal with crowds when you’re learning how to workout
  • When you finally step into the gym you already have some results that show
  • ​You’re able to build up your consistency muscle in private
  • And if you need to lose fat, it’s easier doing it from home
  • ​Plus so much more!

These are the reasons why I worked out from home to begin with and why I decided to make a home workout program for you!

This is an in-depth Home Workout Program created To Help Anyone Build Muscle & Get Shredded From Home


The Home Workout Method

It's not what you do, it's HOW you do it.

Which is why I'm going to spend the first section of this program telling you my methods for working out from home.

You'll learn everything from how to build muscle, how to get shredded,  reps and sets, rest times, and so much more.

This will be super detailed so you'll probably need to watch these videos a few times just so you remember everything.

The exercise tutorial vault

This is where I’ll break down exactly how to do every exercise you’ll need to do in this program because form is the most important thing.

You always see guys in the gym flinging weights around because they have no idea how to control their motion, which is why we’re going to start you off with good habits from home.

You’ll see much more effective results from using proper form and you’ll significantly reduce your risk of injury!

Template Workout Programs

This will be something that you can just copy and do at home!

I personally used to used these workouts when I was just getting started and now I’m passing them down to you so you can get the same kind of results or even better!

Cause one of the things that holds a lot of people back from starting is literally just not knowing where to start so use these templates to get yourself some momentum and then feel free to switch things up as you start to see results.

I even made sure to include one for beginners, one for intermediates, and one for my advanced guys.

body composition

Not a lot of guys know how to tell if they’re actually seeing results.

They kind of just stare at the scale and if it doesn’t move in a certain direction then they just assume they aren’t seeing results but it’s not that simple.

Which is why i’ll break this down for you in this program so you can be much smarter than the rest which will mean you’ll get better results than the rest too!

The Consistency Manifesto

Last but not least, you'll be getting this training where I’ll give you my top tips for staying consistent because that is the most important thing when it comes to fitness.

Cause the truth is... most programs will give you at least some kind of result if you just stay consistent with it.

But the reason why most people work out but don't actually see any results is because they aren't staying consistent LONG TERM.

This needs to be a lifestyle change. Not some quick fix.

So make sure you watch this part again and again and again so you burn this information into your brain.

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Don’t Take This Stuff Lightly Dude, Cause it’s Not Just About Increasing Your Value as a Man

Your health is by far the most important thing you have other than time.

Cause if your health isn’t in order, your time on this planet can easily be cut short cause it happens every day, g.

You’ll regularly see super rich guys die very early and painful deaths because they didn’t take proper care of their bodies.

Or they'll finally retire with all their cash just to kick the bucket soon after.

But it's not even just rich guys...

Obesity and heart disease are the biggest causes of death in the world and both are totally avoidable if these people would just take better care of their bodies.

You only have one body and one heart so you should treat it with some respect!

Plus, how the hell do you expect to pull dimes if you out here looking like a 5?

Get in shape, put on some muscle, and take care of your body, g.

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Bonus #1: Getting Shredded

A LOT of guys come to me with questions about How To Get Shredded without messing up their muscle gains.

So, I included this Free Bonus where I'll break down some different things you can do to lose fat from home as simple as possible.

Bonus #2: Weighted Calisthenics

If you want to increase your strength and muscle gain even faster, you're going to need to add some extra resistance...

And this is where Weighted Calisthenics comes in!

Expect a complete break down on how to include weights into your home workout routine for completely free AND I'll even show you equipment that you can buy if you have the bread.

Bonus #3: Cardio Hacks

Not everyone likes to go for jogs around the block but cardio is super important if you want to stay healthy and keep the fat off.

So in this Free Bonus, you're going to learn the different forms of cardio that can be done from home that are actually fun to do and super effective.

Bonus #4: Supplements Simplified

Supplements are a huge help with dieting because it can be hard to get all the nutrients and calories you need every day.

Which is why I'm going to tell you all the main supplements you need to be taking for muscle gain and fat loss.

Plus, I'll even tell you exactly what supplements I'm personally taking!

Bonus #5: Nutrition Guide

The most important part about fitness is your diet.

If your diet is screwed up then you can't expect to see any results from your training at all!

So I included this Free Bonus where I break down everything you need to know about dieting.

Don't take this lightly because this will determine if you actually see results.

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Not Everyone Should Get This Program

Don’t get this course if you’re gonna be super lazy, or not actually follow the advice I give, or aren’t gonna put in the time to actually do anything.

Cause then you’re gonna sit there and blame the course for not working without actually putting in any work.

I can give you the keys but it’s up to you to open the door, g.

So if you’re actually ready to make some gainz and increase your value as a man then sign up today.

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And always remember…

There’s a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you don’t like the way this program is completely transforming your life for the better then by all means, shoot me an email and my team will get that handled for you as fast as we possibly can.

But if you do like the program then keep in mind that you will have lifetime access to this program that will help you transform into the best version of yourself.

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One of the traits of an Alpha Male is Decisiveness

You gotta be able to make quick decisions and know how to stick to them.

So don’t take too long trying to figure this out.

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